Scaffoldizr: Scaffolding to create Structurizr Workspaces

Opinionated TypeScript/Bun Scaffolding Tool for creating Structurizr DSL Documentations

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Supported Elements

Elements Description
Workspace Creates a new workspace, with the proper scaffolding. Created only when architecture folder not found.
🟦 System Something that delivers value. E.g. application, product, service. See this for more information.
⬜️ External System An external system is a system not owned by the development team. E.g. third party dependencies.
👤 Person Actor or user interacting with the system.
🔸 Constant To reuse within other diagrams. Useful for relationships.
🔹 Container A Software Element within the system that is needed for the system to run. See this for more information.
⇢ Relationship A relationship represents a unidirectional connection between two software systems, elements or people.
🔳 View Creates a Structurizr view. See below.

Supported View Types

View type Description
landscape System Landscape view. Showcases system and external relationships.
deployment Useful for displaying infrastructure and resources.